Climate Change
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad veniam, nostrud mattis luctus.
Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families in the poorest, vulnerable, socially excluded and marginalised communities of Nepal
CDM-Nepal is a leading non-governmental development and humanitarian organisation of Province 5 of Nepal. Established in 2000 in Butwal, CDM-Nepal has worked in DRM, CCA, WASH, livelihood and GBV. CDM’s programmes have historically been targeted at underprivileged women and children. Origins of CDM-Nepal CDM-Nepal’s origin can be traced back to 1993, the year Rupandehi district experienced one of the devastating floods in its history. Having seen the havoc brought by the disaster, a group of local development professionals joined hands to informally set up “Save the Environment and Rural Development Institute (SERDI)”, which later became CDM-Nepal during official registration in 2000.